
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thoughts After Bully's

I'm sitting here, staring down a flank steak po boy, hot from a little local deli on Broadway, smiling like an idiot.

Why? Because I'm in love with the place where I live. 

2 months ago, I wasn't really sure I would like it here. Of course, that's not what I told people. A lot of the times, that's not even what I told myself. I said that I was excited out of my mind, how amazing it was going to be, I can't wait etc., but in reality I was so very scared that I was making the biggest mistake of my life. 

But walking back to my dorm from the deli, I realized something: I had done this before. Not walk back to my dorm, obviously I've done that before. But I was there, standing on the street corner, a bag full of warm food in my hand, and I was smiling. Not even consciously. It was one of those moments I suddenly realized I was smiling to myself, and that I should probably stop before the people around me become concerned. 

But, you know what? This has happened to me maybe three or four times just this week. 

Today, I was smiling because I had just had a conversation with some of the guys who work at the deli and learned that they were Greek. And before I left, we exchanged thank-you's in Greek, and I was reminded of earlier in the week, when I grabbed a bagel for lunch from a bagel shop, and the cashier recognized my face and we introduced ourselves to each other and shook hands. His name was Daniel. "That'll be easy to remember," I told him, and we laughed. 

I'm just describing encounters I've had with strangers, but I think that's the point. New Yorkers have this reputation for being unfriendly and rude, but honestly, those naysayers should go visit my hometown. I don't mean that everyone is a jerk there, but there's definitely something to be said about the Northern Virginia Scowl. Also, like, relax, we know you have the new iPhone and that your car is really nice. Can you not flaunt both at the same time? You're like, driving

Granted, New York City drivers are a breed of their own, but when they're not trying to run you over you can appreciate their creativity. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with all of you. I think it's important to mention the little stuff on here too. It's not all museums and lights and shows. A lot of it is the people here, too. And the traffic. 

I hope, wherever you live, that you love it there too. And if you don't-- get out of there man! I'm serious. Don't stay in a place where you can't find a stranger to relate to. Also, go somewhere with good, hot bagels. I'm telling you--pure bliss. 


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